Insurance Discounters of Texas Blog: homeowners
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Wednesday, May 17, 2023When you buy a home, you have to prepare yourself to spend a lot of money. First, there’s the cost to buy the home, which is likely one of the biggest costs you will ever make. Second, there’s all the money you’ll invest in property maintenance and upkeep over the years. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 10, 2022There's nothing worse than coming home to find that your living space has been burglarized. While having homeowners insurance softens the blow, you would have been far better off had the incident never happened in the first place. Try these steps to prevent home burglary from happening to you. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 16, 2021For most of us, our home is the most expensive thing we will ever own. So it only makes sense to be sure our homeowners insurance will be there to provide coverage for the more common unexpected events such as fire, theft, wind or hail. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 23, 2020Are you looking to renovate while getting a return on your investment? In addition to increasing your home's value, you may also be able to lower your home insurance premiums. Here are some of the most common improvements that can help with your insurance. Roof Upgrades READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 19, 2019You need home insurance, and you also need car insurance. Though your car and your home are different items, they intersect in unique ways. For example, when you park your car in the garage, you might think it is safe. But, you never know when something might come along that damages your vehicle in the garage. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 19, 2018 If you have more than one home, both properties need insurance. Still, since you must get coverage, how can you do so affordably? Some people make the mistake of thinking they can insure both homes on the same policy. That's not the case. However, there are other steps that can protect you. READ MORE >>
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