Wednesday, June 14, 2023Planning a large event—whether a birthday party, a wedding, a bar/bat mitzvah, a business dinner etc.—takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention an investment. So what happens if an unforeseen event, such as a severe storm or a family illness, forces you to postpone or cancel the event? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 17, 2023When you buy a home, you have to prepare yourself to spend a lot of money. First, there’s the cost to buy the home, which is likely one of the biggest costs you will ever make. Second, there’s all the money you’ll invest in property maintenance and upkeep over the years. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 18, 2023Are you starting up your small retail location or looking for a way to safeguard your existing business? A business owner’s policy, or BOP insurance plan, can help you to get the financial protection you need. Any type of retail organization is going to need business insurance that’s customized to meet specific needs. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 29, 2023If you own a boat in Texas, you may wonder if boat insurance is required by law. The short answer is that Texas does not require boat owners insurance. However, just because it’s not mandatory doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 27, 2023Motorcycle insurance is essential. Accidents can lead to hefty repair costs and increased insurance rates. It’s crucial to know how to keep costs low. Knowing and understanding motorcycle safety tips may help reduce coverage rates and limit related costs. Tips for the Cost-conscious Motorcycle Rider READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 4, 2023Driving after dark is very common in the late fall and winter months. The sun sets sooner, making it harder to navigate the way home after work. The risks are many. Deer are crossing the street virtually unseen. A child could be walking along the edge of the road, hard to notice until you are right next to them. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 3, 2022Whenever you do business, you run the risk of harming another individual. If an accident occurs, the affected party might want compensation. It’s likely your responsibility to meet this expectation. Fortunately, that’s where general liability insurance can help. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 18, 2022Businesses that own or operate vehicles need commercial auto insurance; there’s no way around it. It will be there to help you protect your company from significant financial losses when unexpected, unavoidable issues arise involving your vehicle(s). READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 13, 2022Business Owner Policy or BOP is a type of business insurance. It is a basic policy providing the most common types of coverage most businesses need. Purchasing a BOP plan makes sense for many companies because combining these commonly needed policies can significantly reduce costs. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 10, 2022There's nothing worse than coming home to find that your living space has been burglarized. While having homeowners insurance softens the blow, you would have been far better off had the incident never happened in the first place. Try these steps to prevent home burglary from happening to you. READ MORE >>
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