Most Commonly Stolen Cars By Model Year
The NICB’s report also includes a list of the most frequently stolen cars by model year. The top 10 included the following:
2000 Honda Civic (4,731 stolen)
1997 Honda Accord (3,563 stolen)
2006 Ford Pickup (Full Size) (3,061 stolen)
2004 Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size) (2,099 stolen)
2019 Ram Pickup (Full Size) (1,547 stolen)
2001 Honda CRV (1,394 stolen)
2015 Nissan Altima (1,349 stolen)
2001 Dodge Pickup (Full Size) (1,174 stolen)
2019 Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee (1,110 stolen)
2018 GMC Pickup (Full Size) (1,101 stolen)
Most Commonly Stolen Cars in General
According to the NICB’s annual report of the most frequently stolen cars in the United States, the most stolen vehicles in 2019—the most recent year data is available for—included the following:
Ford Pickup (Full Size) (38,938 stolen)
Honda Civic (33,220 stolen)
Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size) (32,583 stolen)
Honda Accord (30,745 stolen)
Toyota Camry (15,656 stolen)
Nissan Altima (13,355 stolen)
Toyota Corolla (12,137 stolen)
Dodge Pickup (Full Size) (11,292 stolen)
GMC Pickup (Full Size) (11,164)
Honda CR-V (10,094 stolen)
Cars are probably the single most popular target of crime because they are relatively easy to steal. In the time it takes you to brush your teeth, a car is stolen in the United States. To put the brakes on vehicle theft, try the following prevention tips.
Never leave your car running and unattended.
Never leave your keys in the car or ignition, even inside a locked garage.
Always roll up your windows and lock the car, even if it is in front of your home.
Always park in a high-traffic, well-lit area, if possible.
Consider anti-theft devices such as steering wheel locks or fuel cut-off switches.
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