Tuesday, June 4, 2019The average family has a number of insurance policies, and each one of them are of equal important. But having numerous policies also means paying for them. Regardless of your budget, you have to make sure you can keep your insurance costs in a manageable range. How can you do so? READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 9, 2019Flooding is unpredictable. It can happen almost anywhere at any time, even if it has never happened before. It might take very little for a flood to come along and destroy your home. Even seemingly innocuous damage could cause a total loss. If that happens, then you might need money to rebuild the property. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 19, 2019You need home insurance, and you also need car insurance. Though your car and your home are different items, they intersect in unique ways. For example, when you park your car in the garage, you might think it is safe. But, you never know when something might come along that damages your vehicle in the garage. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Car damage can happen anywhere, at any time. It could even occur in an environment you consider safe, such as your garage. If it does, you'll likely need your insurance to cover the repair costs. But which coverage do you turn to? Home insurance often covers property damaged in your garage. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 19, 2018 If you have more than one home, both properties need insurance. Still, since you must get coverage, how can you do so affordably? Some people make the mistake of thinking they can insure both homes on the same policy. That's not the case. However, there are other steps that can protect you. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Flooding can strike with very little warning, and at times it can even hit low-risk areas. It's can cause some of the most pervasive home damage possible. If you're victimized by a flood, you'll likely need to file a flood insurance claim to recoup your losses. This is often a multi-step process. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 13, 2018 For many young people, renting your first home means more responsibility. You might not want to go it alone. At times, getting a roommate might seem like the perfect solution. It can prove very practical for financing. Still, having a roommate means assuming different responsibilities for your household. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 When you place your car in the garage, you expect to protect it from the elements. However, that's not always a guarantee. Even when in the garage, the car can sustain damage from a variety of issues. Should this happen, will your home insurance or your car insurance cover the damage? READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 14, 2018 There are also a lot of different insurance carriers out there. It's not uncommon for policyholders to buy home insurance from one carrier, while buying car insurance and other policies from others. However, there are benefits to keeping your insurance policies under the same roof. READ MORE >>
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